HTTP submit SMS issue

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Nelson Lam
New member
Username: Nelsonlam

Post Number: 21
Registered: 02-2013
Posted on Wednesday, March 19, 2014 - 08:37 am:   

Dear Support,

I've tried to send SMS using HTTP request & NowSMS Web Interface, but I found that both methods are unable to send the character @ and $ .

The character set of the designated SMPP connection is set to using "Default" (I think should be GSM/IA5)

Below is the URL I've used for HTTP submit (URL encoded using iso-8859-1) : h+message+with+%21%40%23%24%25%26*%28%29_%2B-%3D%3A%3B%22%27%2C.%2F%3C%3E%3F+12345647890%0ATest+long+english+mess age+with+%21%40%23%24%25%26*%28%29_%2B-%3D%3A%3B%22%27%2C.%2F%3C%3E%3F+123456478 90%0A1234567890+1234567890+x2&Submit=Submit&PhoneNumber=%2B85291234567&Charset=i so-8859-1

would you please advise how can I send "@" and "$" using HTTP submit or using NowSMS Interface ?

Thank you.
Nelson Lam
New member
Username: Nelsonlam

Post Number: 22
Registered: 02-2013
Posted on Wednesday, March 19, 2014 - 09:05 am:   

Dear Support,

Just to add more information.

I found that if the designated SMSCRoute is connect to a modem directly , @ and $ can be shown in the SMS and vice versa.

Thank you.
Des - NowSMS Support
Board Administrator
Username: Desosms

Post Number: 4845
Registered: 08-2008
Posted on Wednesday, March 19, 2014 - 02:27 pm:   

Hi Nelson,

Problems with those two characters suggest that the SMSC is expecting the iso-8859-1 character set. Selecting "iso-8859-1 as default" for the character set is usually the solution.

See this link for more troubleshooting suggestions if necessary:

NowSMS Support
Nelson Lam
New member
Username: Nelsonlam

Post Number: 23
Registered: 02-2013
Posted on Thursday, March 20, 2014 - 02:39 am:   

Hi Des,

Thank you for your solution, actually we do have change the setting from "Default" to "ISO-8859-1" before and the symbols can be successfully show in SMS. But this setting will raise another problem :

It will become 8-bit ascii encoding and the max. length of single SMS will becomes 140 chars. If an SMS conttent is longer than this max., our provider will not send the SMS out due to encoding error and put in queue until timeout.

So we are unable to do this change , so will you side have other solutions ?

Once again , I found that when the SMPP connection is connected to a modem directly, $ and @ can be shown in SMS. But when the SMPP connection is connected to another SMPP server , $ and @ can't be shown. (Under the situation I'm using the same HTTP request URL or same NowSMS Interface for SMS submission).

Thank you again.
Des - NowSMS Support
Board Administrator
Username: Desosms

Post Number: 4847
Registered: 08-2008
Posted on Thursday, March 20, 2014 - 03:17 pm:   

Hi Nelson,

I want to make sure you understand that there are two different iso-8859-1 settings. The first setting uses the iso-8859-1 character set with a data_coding value of 3, as per the SMPP specification.

This data_coding value can confuse some providers. So there is another character set selection "iso-8859-1 as default". This setting uses the same character set, but sets the dara_coding value to 0 (which means default).

From what you describe, the SMPP provider you are dealing with might be getting confused because of the data_coding value.

NowSMS Support
Nelson Lam
New member
Username: Nelsonlam

Post Number: 24
Registered: 02-2013
Posted on Tuesday, March 25, 2014 - 05:32 am:   

Hi Des

If we are using NowSMS server version:v2009.3.17 we only
have 1 iso-8859-1(Latin) selection.

Is there any setting within SMSGW.INI that we can manage to set
"iso-8859-1 as default" ?

Des - NowSMS Support
Board Administrator
Username: Desosms

Post Number: 4849
Registered: 08-2008
Posted on Tuesday, March 25, 2014 - 02:29 pm:   

Hi Nelson,

No problem ... this setting has existed for a long time, but it has been hidden until recently.

Manually edit the SMSGW.INI. Under the [SMPP - server:port] section header, you will see SMSCCharset=iso-8859-1

Add a new line under that setting:


This will enable the setting mode that I described.

NowSMS Support
Nelson Lam
New member
Username: Nelsonlam

Post Number: 25
Registered: 02-2013
Posted on Thursday, March 27, 2014 - 09:27 am:   

Hi Des

We tested with your setting and the result is positive.
Many Thanks.

Best Regards
Nelson Lam
New member
Username: Nelsonlam

Post Number: 26
Registered: 02-2013
Posted on Friday, March 28, 2014 - 12:46 pm:   

Hi Des

We encounter another issue with pound£ and yen¥ sign
- currently we have our NowSMS v2013.09.26 connected to SMS-provider-A with 2
SMPP binding defined under NowSMS >> SMSC tab
- binding1 set with route_name ProviderA_IN for receiving SMS from ProviderA
- binding2 set with route_name ProviderA_OUT for routing SMS back to ProviderA
and SMSC character set = default (defined in SMSC advanced settings)
- NowSMS receives incoming SMS from ProviderA_IN via deliver_sm
- NowSMS has set with accounting callback so that the incoming SMS from
ProviderA_IN will be authenticated, billed and set route to ProviderA_OUT
via submit_sm

- Our ProviderA is sending pound-£ and yen-¥ character in hex code 9c and 9d
- When I captured the incoming SMPP packets (from ProviderA)on binding1, the
incoming SMS only contains 2characters: £ and ¥ in hex code 9c and 9d
- When I captured the outgoing SMPP packets send out from NowSMS on binding2,
the SMS message content is empty. Seems NowSMS donot know how to remap 9c 9d
and dropped the 2 characters when it reroute the SMS.
- the accounting callback is handled correctly

It seems that ProviderA SMPP's character set is using code page 862 when encoding £ and ¥.
Is there any setting under NowSMS such that £ and ¥ can correct pass through
and reroute back to ProviderA ?

Des - NowSMS Support
Board Administrator
Username: Desosms

Post Number: 4859
Registered: 08-2008
Posted on Monday, March 31, 2014 - 03:04 pm:   

Hi Nelson,

Code page 862 is Hebrew. That would be very odd for a provider to expect messages to be encoded in Hebrew.

That said, in a recent update we did add support for character set overrides, so that specific characters can be remapped for both inbound and outbound messages.

So you could tell NowSMS to remap those characters for received messages (or when sending).

Here is the note on this feature from our changes log:

* SMPP: Add support for custom character set overrides for messages sent or received using the GSM, iso-8859-1 or iso-8859-15 character sets. These character overrides allow selected characters to be remapped to a different value. Under the [SMPP - server:port] section header, InChar= and OutChar= parameters can contain a comma delimited list of characters to remap. This is best illustrated with an example. The GSM character set includes some Greek capital letters, while the iso-8859-1 and iso-8859-15 character sets do not. An SMPP service provider that encodes with iso-8859-15 was observed to encode these Greek characters in unused positions of the iso-8859-15 character set. The following parameter remaps hex character values from the inbound message to the Unicode values for the corresponding Greek letters (all character values are in hex): InChar=80:0394,82:03A6,89:0398 Outbound character mapping uses a similar OutChar keyword, and should be defined in the format UUUU=xx or UUUU=xxyy where UUUU is a 4 hex digit Unicode character code, xx is a 2 hex digit character code and yy is an optional 2 hex digit character code.

This feature requires interim release 2014.02.03 or later. I would recommend

NowSMS Support