Establish SMSC

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New member
Username: Fevzinet

Post Number: 1
Registered: 02-2006
Posted on Sunday, February 12, 2006 - 07:49 pm:   

Hi bryce.

We had been supplying the technical SMS infrastructure for a partner. Recently they have agreed with the operator to get an SS7 connection and roaming support from the operator himself. The server will be deployed in the Operators HQ (colocated).

Anyway the aim is to establish our own SMSC. If we can do it we will get a much better deal on our side and most probably will get a nowSMS licence for the installation.

So the capacity will be around 30/50 msg/sec. What will be the requrements. I guess i will require a machine with INTEL SS7 cards installed on it. But what are the specs fr these cards and what will be the price of the machine and software running on top oof it?
Bryce Norwood - NowSMS Support
Board Administrator
Username: Bryce

Post Number: 5519
Registered: 10-2002
Posted on Monday, February 13, 2006 - 05:08 pm:   

Hi Fevzi,

NowSMS doesn't have any direct SS7 support.

What that means is that while NowSMS has the capability to act as an MMSC, it does not have the capability to act as an SMSC, as an SMSC needs to have SS7 connectivity. (NowSMS is strictly an SMS gateway, a sort of middleware for SMS connectivity, which still could be quite useful for your ultimate solution.)

I don't have any recommendations for SMSCs. A Google search will probably give you a better list than I could. But there is one SMSC that looks interesting to me, but that might not show up on your search. In addition to others, you might want to look at HydeCo ... We did an MMSC installation for a small mobile operator, where the mobile operator was already using this SMSC. I was impressed with their technical staff, and they have an interesting trial system offer on their web site. I just mention that as a possibility, as I had never run across this company before until working on a particular installation, and their solution seemed a bit more accessible than others that I have seen.

New member
Username: Fevzinet

Post Number: 2
Registered: 02-2006
Posted on Friday, February 17, 2006 - 04:16 pm:   

So even if i get an smsc i will still need nowsms right?

I will connect via web_POST method to nowsms and nowsms will connect smsc with SMPP right?

So can anybody write about smsc`s they have experience with. And their approx costs.
ashot shahbazian
Frequent Contributor
Username: Animatele

Post Number: 57
Registered: 06-2004
Posted on Friday, March 03, 2006 - 02:40 am:   

Hi Fevzi!

A server with SS7 cards needs specialised software to make it a signalling gateway. With addition of a database handling store-and-forward logic it would become a full-feature SMSC. I'm familiar with Telesoft, and Bercut, SMSC-s. Both are very good, although quite expensive; one with a 50 SMS/sec license would cost well over $150K in its simplest non-redundant configuration.

When store-and-forward capacity isn't necessary you may use a simpler SMPP to SS7 gateway. A gateway, unlike an SMSC, would not rerty the message if the subscriber's off or out of coverage, but the cost savings are significant. Telesoft Milborne and Bercut gateways cost between $30K and $40K.

You may find that many SMSC-s and notably gateways have lousy, or very complex to configure or restricted in terms of the maximum number of users ESME-s. You might do better using a separate server which would handle SMPP, especially so if you plan on connecting many users. While this approach has its drawbacks (added cost and that the system would not translate SS7 error codes into error codes in SMPP sm_resp to user) it may greatly simplify managing users, accounting, routing etc. NowSMS is undoubtedly one of the most flexible, easy to manage and stable SMPP routers, especially so with the wealth of new features in its 6.0 release.

We are also involved in several projects just like that you've described - colocating SMSC-s with the MNO-s. I'd be interested in discussing it; please email me on or skype to coolmsg if you'd like to chat.
ashot shahbazian
Frequent Contributor
Username: Animatele

Post Number: 58
Registered: 06-2004
Posted on Saturday, March 04, 2006 - 04:05 am:   

Follow-up on the SPATCH SMSC by Hydeco, mentioned by Bryce:

SPATCH is suitable for runnning within a small cellular network. It will not deliver messages to subscribers of other networks since it's not meant to be connected to an MNO's switch that'd resolve the dest. ISDN to terminating network's MSC ID, nor is it designed to perform HLR queries.

It's a shame, as their $2000/mo software rental deal sounded fantastic...