M-Retrieve with Ericsson T68i

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Posted on Thursday, August 21, 2003 - 12:59 pm:   

I should have known about this forum a long time ago.

Here's the story: About the end of last year, I was given the task of implementing MM7 and MM1 ( m-notification.ind and m-retrieve.conf only though ). I have created an opensource MM7 API in Java, which follows the specs up to 5.5.0

Now for the MM1, it was more of a trial and error, reading LOTS of specs, and seeing some examples. I was able to send an m-notification.ind via SMS to the phone ... then I eventually got m-retrieve.conf working. All these were tested using Nokia phones ( 3650 and 7650 ). When I say "implement MM1", what I mean is that, I actually do binary encoding of WSP PDUs as the HTTP POST reply when the WAP gateway does an HTTP POST to my webserver. I used Nokia's EAIF to do most of the work, since it does a lot of MM1 binary encoding already, except for m-retrieve and m-notification.

It is turning out, however, that the m-retrieve.conf does not work with Ericsson's ... t68i for example. Specifically, the operator's WAP gateway downloaded the m-retrieve.conf PDU ( saw it on my webserver logs ), but the t68i says "Network configuration error. Please check your settings and try again.". For the life of me, I could not figure out why it works with Nokia but not with Ericsson. I cant understand why it says "Network configuration error" ... when it did recevie the m-retrieve PDU.

Any hints on what specific with Ericsson MMS phones ?

Will NowSMS's product allow me to sniff the UDP packet ( and any other traffic related to MMS ) that the phone receives, so that I can figure out what is happening ?


Posted on Thursday, August 21, 2003 - 01:10 pm:   

To follow-up:

1) I have not tried this ... but ... can you actually setup a UDP proxy on a public IP, modify the access point on your phone to use public IP of the UDP proxy that you setup ... and then forward ( and receive ) the UDP traffic to / from the operator's REAL gateway ? This way, I can see the UDP traffic for MM1 ? ... Does the operator's WAP gateway "know" that there is a proxy in between itself and the phone, and decide to "block" / reject the UDP traffic ?

2) You can do WAP browsing on the phone without having GPRS. e.g.: you can use GSM ( dialup to your operator, etc. ). Is there anwyay to get MMS to work over GSM on an MMS phone ?

as a continuation of [2]:

3) Is it possible to setup a GSM modem ( not an actual phone, but just a modem. e.g: a Falcomm(?) GSM modem which I have one ) to send and receive UDP traffic for MM1 ? How does one do this ? Can you do this without using NowSMS' product ?

Posted on Thursday, August 21, 2003 - 01:19 pm:   

One more thing ... if I have to create a UDP proxy ,what is the standard UDP port that is used for WSP traffic ?
Posted on Thursday, August 21, 2003 - 01:23 pm:   

Never mind about the UDP port .. it's 9200 up to 9203.

Still .. any ideas on the T68i problem? If I could do the sniffing, then at least I can track the problem for ANY MMS phone.
Posted on Thursday, August 21, 2003 - 04:55 pm:   

Is it possible that the Ericsson T68i is expecting non-binary encoded PDUs for the m-retrieve ?
Bryce Norwood - NowSMS Support
Posted on Friday, September 05, 2003 - 07:45 pm:   

Hi jsalvo,

You might want to look at Ethereal as a protocol analyser ... it might point out some potential encoding problems that you have.

I don't recall any problems like this when we were developing the first MMS features for the Now SMS/MMS Gateway. Of course, initially most of our development and testing was with a T68i.

You might want to look at the MMSCOMP utility that is included with our gateway. It generates the binary MMS encoded files (e.g., m-retrieve.conf), and you could try retrieving one of the message files that we generate. I'm definitely not aware of any problems with MMSCOMP generated messages on a T68i.

Bryce Norwood - NowSMS Support
Posted on Friday, September 05, 2003 - 07:53 pm:   

Oh ... and on the UDP proxy idea ...

I've actually done this from time to time, as a quick and dirty way of testing and comparing responses.

The problem that you run into, however, is that most operator WAP gateways are not accessible outside of their own network. So you might be able to configure your phone to connect to your proxy, but the proxy won't be able to relay to the operator gateway.

O2's gateway in the UK is open, but most others are closed.