Delivery Status from SMSC

Delivery Status from SMSC SearchSearch
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Posted on Wednesday, March 23, 2005 - 06:56 pm:   


We're developing an application that connects directly to an SMSC to send messages using SMPP.

The problem is that connection to this SMSC is not usually stable and a lot of processing needs to be done to make sure that the link is alive. So we decided to connect to NowSMS as the SMSC which handles all the details of making sure that messages gets delieverd to the SMSC.

We're having issues with Delivery Status though. I've edited the smsgw.ini and added [SMPP] DeliveryReceiptFlag=1 So I get messages status as Text files in the SMS-IN directory. But I have an issue of tieing particular files to specific MessageIDs as our application stores all these messages in a database and it's important that we're able to track all messages so that we know if we need to resend etc.

I need to know if theres a way I can get an "SubmitSMResp" from NowSMS

Thanks in advance for your help.
Bryce Norwood - NowSMS Support
Board Administrator
Username: Bryce

Post Number: 4214
Registered: 10-2002
Posted on Thursday, March 24, 2005 - 10:24 pm:   

Sorry, there isn't a way to correlate these message id's in the current version of NowSMS.

You will get the delivery receipts back, but the id's in the delivery receipts will be those of the external SMSC, and there is not a way to correlate these id's with the id's generated by NowSMS.

(There is some possibility to do this via the log files, but it is difficult.)

We are planning a new release this summer that will address this issue, and properly map the message id's ... so that when you receive back a delivery receipt it will contain the message id that was assigned by NowSMS (and returned to your application when you submitted the message) instead of the id from the external SMSC.


I need to know if theres a way I can get an "SubmitSMResp" from NowSMS

If you are submitting to NowSMS over SMPP, you will get this response. However, you are getting the response with a message id generated by NowSMS ... not the message id from the external server.

In recent versions of NowSMS, we started logging the message id returned from the external server into the SMSOUT-yyyymmdd.LOG file (SMSCMsgId=), which is a first step toward tracking this id through the chain of servers. You could programmatically parse this log, which is not a nice thought ... but it is the only way that we currently expose this information.

There will be a better solution coming in just a few more months.

Unregistered guest
Posted on Tuesday, March 29, 2005 - 07:15 am:   

Thanks a lot for your response. I'm grateful.