Send MMS messages to a web site

Send MMS messages to a web site SearchSearch
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Dan Macklin
Posted on Tuesday, September 30, 2003 - 02:27 pm:   

Hi, I'm writing a security application that allows users to send MMS messages to a web site. As such the performance of the system needs to be very reliable hence the need for our own MMSC.

However I'm having real problems setting up Now MMSC to receive MMS message from my Orange 7650 phone.

It seems to me that the messages are not getting through to my test MMSC. I'm using the Orange wap gateway at

I have also set my homepage to be http://myipaddress/dave=dave - where dave is both the MMSC user and password.

I'm sure I'm being really dumb! So can anyone help me out with the settings!

Thanks in advance for all your help!


Bryce Norwood - NowSMS Support
Posted on Thursday, October 09, 2003 - 08:41 pm:   

Hi Dan,

Sorry that I have not responded to you previously.

It's a bit confusing as we have some different forums out here on our discussion board. The "Support" forums are the ones that we regularly monitor, as they pertain to support for the Now SMS/MMS Gateway.

The "Technical Issues" forums are for general technical discussions that are not related to our products. So we don't visit them as often.

The settings that you describe look fine. The only issue that comes to mind is that you need to be sure that you are connecting to the "orangewap" GPRS APN with your profile settings. Orange defaults MMS to the "orangemms" GPRS APN, and that will only let you connect to a special WAP gateway that they have setup which only allows connections to their MMSC.
