How does SMS/MMS work? (newbie)

How does SMS/MMS work? (newbie) SearchSearch
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Unregistered guest
Posted on Monday, January 17, 2005 - 06:02 pm:   

I am completely new to this an I just want to get and idea of how SMS/MMS works. I've tried searching Google to find some basic architectural info but all I get is lisitings of companies selling products to do development. I need some architectural info to get started. How does a message I send get to a Sprint phone or a Verizon phone? How do you access the gateways for the different phone services, are the gateways free? Is there some sort of centralization of the gateways so that I don't have to know what phone service a user is on? Well, if someone can pass on where I can get a good undertstanding of this I'd really appreciate it.