2 way sms- php code

2 way sms- php code SearchSearch
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New member
Username: Nsm

Post Number: 2
Registered: 07-2006
Posted on Sunday, October 29, 2006 - 09:09 pm:   

Just wondering if anyone has PHP code for processing SMS msgs and then returning an sms response based on user input.

EG. if the user SMS's the word Hello they will recieve a response of 'Hi'
There will be many different words triggering a certain different response.

Any help appreciated!
dwi widayana
New member
Username: Dwi

Post Number: 2
Registered: 09-2006
Posted on Tuesday, October 31, 2006 - 01:31 am:   

we are making an applications program that can processing SMS msgs and returning an MMS response based upon the content of received SMS msgs.

in the 2-way config dialog, should we check both process received SMS & MMS msgs?

the scripting language that we use is PHP to automatically reply the SMS. As we know the content of MMS is more complex (we'd like to send text & picture), we have to make the header, SMIL file, etc. we wonder how to make our program works

we've seen in other SMS gateway (but not a MMS one), we can setup incoming & outgoing logging. there're some fileds that we can log to such as phone number, msg text, timestamp, transport (for both incoming & out logging) and msg id & status (for out logging). and both can log to text file (CSV) or database.
it also provide storage location for queued msg. it can stored in memory or databse (we'll prefer database).
so when our program make a connection to the gateway, actually it connect to databases in microsoft access.
we wonder how NowSMS can do such a thing?
does NowSMS also provide storage location for queued msg (in a database)?

thanx a lot for d answers