Incorrect URL displayed on phone

Incorrect URL displayed on phone SearchSearch
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Unregistered guest
Posted on Thursday, December 18, 2003 - 02:41 pm:   

I send the following HEX string as an SMS message :

0605040B8423F0BE0601AE02056A0045C60D03687474703a2f2f706c61746f2e6d6163616c6c612e 636f6d3a383038302f61737465726f6964732e6a616400070103546869732069732061206d657373 6167652066726f6d20746865205761705075736820426561726572000101

When the URL is displayed on the phone it looks like http://www.

Any ideas why the extra "http://www." is added to the start of the URL??

Kent Williams
Username: Kent

Post Number: 35
Registered: 10-2003
Posted on Thursday, January 15, 2004 - 07:06 pm:   

It's happening because you are putting in a short code for "http://www." in the document, and then following it with the text "http://www.". So it is in there twice.

Basically, you're trying to reverse engineer an existing push and modify it for your own purposes, without bothering to understand every byte that you are sending. (Sorry, I don't mean for this to sound hostile, I just believe that you should understand what every byte means when you are generating one of these messages.)

Please refer to the WAP Service Indication Specification at the following link:

Kent Williams
Now Wireless Support